Jalapeno, El Jefe
67 days to green
Best combination of earliness and yield in a jalapeno. Fruits avg. 3 1/2-4", and can be harvested early or allowed to check (small cracks in skin). Earlier than Jalafuego, but with slightly lower overall yield potential. Large plants.
67 days to green
Best combination of earliness and yield in a jalapeno. Fruits avg. 3 1/2-4", and can be harvested early or allowed to check (small cracks in skin). Earlier than Jalafuego, but with slightly lower overall yield potential. Large plants.
67 days to green
Best combination of earliness and yield in a jalapeno. Fruits avg. 3 1/2-4", and can be harvested early or allowed to check (small cracks in skin). Earlier than Jalafuego, but with slightly lower overall yield potential. Large plants.